
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Artur Sebastian Rosman. "The Catholic Imagination of Czeslaw Milosz." Diss., 2014 Graduate, Dissertations
Delphine Gras. "The New Negro Flow and the Black Atlantic: A Study of the Musical Discourse of the Literary Griots of the Americas." Diss., 2010. Graduate, Dissertations
Elena Deem. "Verbal and Visual Imagery in the Movements of Vorticism, Ultraismo and Poetismus." Diss., 2008. Graduate, Dissertations
Jamal Gabobe. "Elmi Bodari and the Construction of the Modern Somali Subject in a Colonial and Sufi Context." Diss., 2014. Graduate, Dissertations
Kelly Walsh. "'No Cure for that': Modernism and the Poetics of Insufficiency." Diss., 2009. Graduate, Dissertations
Lin Chen. "Tao Yuanming and William Wordsworth: A Parallel Study." Diss., 2014. Graduate, Dissertations
Simona Bondavalli. "The Buffoon and the Magician: Poetry, spectacle and critical discourse in the works on Pier Paolo Pasolini." Diss., 2003. Graduate, Dissertations
Travis Feldman. "The Contexts and Production of William Blake's 'The Four Zoas': Towards a Theory of the Manuscript." Diss., 2005. Graduate, Dissertations